

克里斯·巴克斯特| 2023年11月

当我们庆祝美光的时候 汽车工业30周年纪念, we 识别 and appreciate that our journey would not have been possible without 的 close partnerships, 合作和关系是我们集体成功的基础. 作为我们庆祝的一部分, we would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” 从 all of us to all 的 participants in this journey and give a warm welcome to those who are recent acquaintances.


Who could have known 30 plus years ago that qualifying a 16-Kbit EEPROM for a powertrain would mark 的 beginning of 的 biggest transformation of 的 汽车 industry since 的 first Model T rolled off 的 assembly line? 100多年后,智能已成为汽车工业的新动力. The amount of data generated and software complexity in cars has grown exponentially; today’s high-end luxury vehicle contains approximately 100 million lines of code. And this is expected to grow to more than 300 million lines as 的 industry pushes toward fully autonomous vehicles.1

联网汽车每小时产生高达25GB的数据.2 这取决于车辆的结构, advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS) and autonomous vehicle (AV) sensors can generate between 4TB and 20TB each day.3 这些数据必须实时处理,以便以计算机为中心, 人工智能(AI)驱动的系统可以即时做出反应, 使现代车辆成为终极智能边缘设备. The amount of memory and storage required to fuel 的se data-intensive systems will grow to an estimated $5 billion in 2023,4 使其成为半导体市场中增长最快的部分之一.

期待, fully autonomous (Level 5) vehicles are projected to support an aggregate memory bandwidth that will exceed 1 terabit per second (Tbps).5 总内存, storage and system bandwidth are astounding — and a stark contrast to a time when a 16-Kbit EEPROM was considered a high-density device.


几乎是在第一辆T型车下线的时候, 世界开始梦想一种可以自动驾驶的汽车. 而个人拥有的汽车被证明是革命性的, 在大规模生产汽车引入后的前100年左右, 名义上的进展实际上是在 实现自动驾驶汽车的愿景. 最早有记录的自动驾驶汽车设计案例之一是在20世纪20年代.6 然而, 这只是过去10年的事, 随着多种技术进步和传感器效能的融合, 计算处理, 人工智能算法, 内存带宽和无线通信, 自动驾驶汽车的早期愿景已经接近现实.

沙巴体育结算平台组合, auto-qualified DRAM -, 基于NAND和nor的解决方案满足当前和未来的需求.


再次感谢所有与美光共同走过这段旅程的人, 我们期待着下一个30年,不管未来会发生什么.

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如今,大规模生产的自动驾驶汽车真的“指日可待”.实现这一愿景, 然而, requires processing massive amounts of data 从 的 wide range of sensors that are used to detect, 识别, 跟踪和预测道路上物体的动作. 一辆完全自动驾驶的汽车可能需要每秒总计5gb的传感器数据. Fully autonomous driving requires extremely high real-time AI compute 表演 well in excess of 300 tera (trillion) operations per second (ToPS).2


虽然自动驾驶(AD)理所当然地占据了所有的风头, it’s important to 识别 that ADAS and 的 enriched cabin are driving 的 majority of growth in semiconductor content today — well ahead of fully autonomous vehicles. 车辆内部/驾驶舱和“车载的经验” (IVE) have become major factors in 的 consumer’s purchasing decision and an OEM’s brand identity.

消费者期望增加连接性, 指尖上的信息和无缝的智能手机般的用户体验, 本地车载支持所有他们喜欢的智能手机应用程序. These apps should be supported on an increasingly larger number and size of high-resolution displays that provide an immersive experience. The innovation in IVE grows unabated as OEMs 识别 that 的 future of self-driving cars will increasingly value a cabin rich with information and passenger experiences as 的 focus shifts 从 的 actual driving experience to an experience based upon individual taste, 娱乐和生产力.


随着行业在提供移动即服务(MaaS)方面获得立足点,, it is expected that 的 consumer’s choice of a transportation service provider will be influenced as much by vehicle aes的tics as continuity in 的 车载的经验. 这 again reflects a significant shift for an industry that has historically been based on a “bending metal” mindset to one where “dicing silicon” now establishes brand and identity.

随着汽车的软件足迹扩展到超过3亿行代码, 以保持最新的更新和增强, 支持无线(OTA)更新将是必不可少的. It will also be key to support capabilities such as software as a service (SaaS) where autonomous driving and o的r features can be enabled via monthly subscription fees and software downloads. 对于马斯河, user personas will be stored in 的 cloud and retrieved whenever 司机 enter 的ir own vehicles or those of 的 same brand that 的y may be renting. 要实现这些功能, high-表演 5G connectivity and system-level 安全 will be paramount — even nonnegotiable.


Ensuring that 的 hardware and software are both secure and reliable has prompted a keen focus on both 安全 and functional safety. 这个复杂的, high-表演 software compute platform on wheels requires 的 utmost in reliability and is going through a complete overhaul of 的 underlying vehicle architecture. We’re currently watching 的 evolution 从 distributed to centralized/zonal-based architectures that will combine infotainment, ADAS和其他系统集成到一个体系结构中.

达到必要条件 功能安全(FuSa)水平 demands a greater focus on 的 impact and role of memory in 的se increasingly complex embedded software platforms. Adoption of ISO 26262-evaluated solutions for both traditional systems on chips (SoCs) and memories will prove to be essential in meeting 的se FuSa levels. 这, 当然, 是否都建立在一种渴望实现并交付零缺陷质量水平的心态上.


30年来, 美光很荣幸能在汽车行业的转型中占据领先地位. 以39%的全球市场份额成为汽车行业最大的内存供应商7 这是通过持续的关注、投资和合作实现的. 通过这种紧密的合作, we have established a view of how semiconductors will fuel 的 data-driven car today and for 的 next 30 years. 高效的设计周期有助于美光以高质量执行新技术, 成本低,规模化时间短.

在微米存储器上行驶了数万亿英里, we are at 的 forefront of 的 auto industry that is poised to be measured not by 的 horsepower or acceleration but by 的 compute 表演 and 车载的经验.

是否关注安全, 安全, 表演, 质量, 长寿, 创新或客户支持, 我们致力于在未来30年继续成为汽车存储器的领导者, 提供行业领先的创新沙巴体育结算平台组合, auto-qualified DRAM -, 基于NAND和nor的解决方案满足当前和未来的需求.

再次感谢所有与美光共同走过这段旅程的人, 我们期待着下一个30年,不管未来会发生什么.

1. http://blogs.sw.siemens.com/polarion/the-data-deluge-what-do-we-do-with-the-data-generated-by-avs/

2. http://www.nvidia.com/en-us/self-driving-cars/drive-platform/hardware/

3. http://iotnowtransport.com/2019/02/12/71015-data-storage-key-autonomous-vehicles-future/

4. 微米 market estimates 从 multiple analyst reports triangulated with o的r internal financial data 从 Oct 2023

5. http://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-announces-world-s-first-ai-computer-to-make-robotaxis-a-reality

6. 战略分析报告:OEM自动驾驶汽车战略和路线图:COVID-19的影响, 2020年7月

7. Gartner研究报告:市场占有率:半导体终端市场,全球,2022

CVPP & 嵌入式事业部总经理


克里斯巴克斯特 is 的 corporate vice president and general manager of 微米’s Embedded Business Unit (EBU). 他已经 held various positions for more than 20 years within flash storage and memory solutions at Intel, 恒忆 和微米, 包括工程、销售、业务开发和市场营销. 十多年来,百特一直是EBU领导团队的一员, 为汽车行业提供解决方案. He 获得机械和航空工程两个学士学位, 从 UC 戴维斯,并曾在董事会任职 的 自2009年以来一直是非营利组织赋权国际.
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